Building Repair Progress

  • Much of the HVAC work occurred in the middle school and will result in greater efficiency as we transition from pneumatic to digital controls and we will be ready for our upcoming heating year.

  • The Middle and High School fire alarm system has been replaced with a new system that is 100% up to code! This includes a new main controller system and all new sensors and alarms.

  • The hardware and seals have been fixed on the middle school windows and resulted in noticeable improvements in both the classrooms and offices this past winter.

    High school and middle school roofing replacements are nearing completion as well as the masonry repairs on the exterior of both the high school and middle school.

  • As we near the end of this school year, plans for summer construction are finalized and bids have been approved for the following projects:

    • Masonry repairs and roofing replacements at the Middle and High school buildings.

    • HVAC improvements at the Middle and High school buildings.

    Work is scheduled to begin the end of this school year (JUNE).

  • Windows at the Middle School have new hardware and seals, resulting in noticeable improvements for classroom and office environments.

  • The Middle School auditorium now has LED lighting and a new control panel that replaced the original system from 2000 which was no longer functioning. This project has wrapped up and is under budget by $54,439.