Frequently Asked Questions

  • Following a comprehensive facilities study, the District identified improvement measures over the next decade that would extend the useful life of the school district’s buildings and advance how we educate our children. The study assessed and recommended addressing aging infrastructure, outdated learning environments, safety, and security. To help prioritize facility needs, the District surveyed the community and developed a task force. 

    The Cameron Community Task Force, a group of volunteers representing all corners of our community, recommended a two-phased approach for addressing critical needs in phases to spread out the cost and take advantage of potential new funding form the State of Wisconsin.

    After voters approved the first phase, the Task Force resumed planning to review goals and timelines for addressing Phase 2 priorities which included:

    • addressing learning spaces at the middle school

    • remodeling outdated classrooms and overhauling technical education at the high school

    • establishing guidance and mental health service areas at the middle and high school

    • upgrading HVAC systems at the middle and high school

    • improving drainage at the elementary school playgrounds

    • updating the phone system and virtual network of the district

     The community was surveyed last Spring to learn what Phase 2 options would be supported and guide the final referendum decision. On August 26, 2024, the Board of Education approved a resolution to pursue a bond referendum for $17,000,000.

  • The long-term planning study reported facility improvements that will prevent expensive repairs, create energy efficiency, and improve safety while modernizing spaces, especially in the high school that is 46 years of age. After developing a comprehensive list of improvements needed over the next 10 years, the priorities were divided into two phases to spread out the cost to taxpayers. While the District was able to complete Phase 1 projects under budget, the critical facility improvements proposed for the Middle/High School remain as part of Phase 2.

    If the November 5th referendum passes, it would continue the work begun with the 2023 referendum and address these priorities without creating any additional tax burden on our taxpayers.

  • Ballot Language: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of the School District of Cameron, Barron County, Wisconsin that there shall be issued pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $17,000,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of a school facility improvement project consisting of:  general renovations, renovations to career technical education and student services spaces, capital maintenance, building infrastructure and systems improvements at the Middle/High School and construction of an addition for guidance services and the district office; district-wide site improvements; and acquisition of furnishings, fixtures and equipment.

  • Phase 2 priorities from the long-term facility plan are focused on the Middle/High School and are essential to providing our students with safe, comfortable, and well-maintained learning environments. The proposed plan for the upcoming referendum includes:

    Educational Improvements:

    • Renovate career and technical education drafting and engineering spaces, including outdated shop equipment (some from the 1940s)

    • Update high school classrooms, library media center, and high school commons

    • Expand middle school student support and guidance services spaces

    • Modernize core high school class-rooms, including the chemistry and physics labs

    • Provide additional family restrooms for school events

    • Update classroom furniture and desks.

    Building Systems Upgrades:

    • Replace existing pneumatic HVAC controls at the high school with electric controls

    • Replace boilers at the middle school

    • Upgrade high school electrical panels and transformers

    • Replace district phone systems and MS/HS clocks, bells, and PA systems.

    • Add cooling to middle school classrooms and auditorium

    Interior & Exterior Maintenance:

    • Replace worn and malfunctioning lockers, and add display cases for awards artwork, and tech ed work

    • Replace middle school auditorium curtains

    • Replace oldest section of the high school roof

    • Expand elementary parking and improve drainage at the elementary 4kplayground

    • Replace high school parking lot and add parking spaces where space is available

    To view the concept plans, visit the PLAN page of this website.

    The list of improvements (above) captures the significant projects included in Phase 2 of the referendum and prioritized from the Long-Range Facility Plan – which is a comprehensive list of facility improvements available for inspection at the Cameron School District Administrative Office.

  • While the annual mill rate was recently impacted by the state’s budget increase for school funding, it will NOT increase due to this referendum. In other words, if approved, this referendum plan will not require a tax increase. However, it would positively impact property values and ensure our District remains competitive in attracting quality staff.

    Visit the INVESTMENT PAGE for more details.

  • This plan is focused on the Middle/High School (which is 46 years old) and would improve instructional spaces and career readiness for our children, including these priorities:

    • CTE Spaces and Equipment. Updated labs and equipment will provide students with modern learning opportunities and build skills for careers in the trades.

    • Special Education Classrooms. Expand classrooms for growing number of students requiring specialized services such as Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy.

    • Student Services Space. Create dedicated spaces for student services and guidance services that provide suitable and private access for parents and students.

    The plan also protects our community’s investment in a fiscally-responsible manner to ensure our District has well-maintained facilities and remains competitive.

  • We are proud of the work that our Maintenance Team completes daily within the boundaries created by our budget. That said, like your home, even with daily and annual maintenance planning roofs, furnaces and other critical systems need to be replaced over time.

    While the District has invested significant resources in keeping our buildings maintained, Cameron High School is now 46 years old and its aging infrastructure needs to be addressed to protect the investment paid for by our taxpayers. These are significant investments that cannot be afforded within the annual funding received by the District.

  • After completing the 2023 referendum projects on time and on budget, the District is proud to note that all the work promised has been completed, and we were able to do more with project dollars due to effective budget management.