Phase 2 Facility Needs

  • Outdated and undersized technical education classroom

  • Aging wood shop and equipment doesn't meet educational needs

  • Outdated metals space and equipment (some dating back to 1940s)

  • Undersized chemistry room for modern science curriculum

  • Aged and worn casework in areas of the high school

  • Worn stage curtains in auditorium

  • Worn and malfunctioning lockers are in need of replacement

  • Update book display area to complement and enhance the existing open work space in the Media Center

  • Existing cafeteria is unwelcoming and would benefit from updated flooring, ceiling, and wall finishes

  • Outdated phone technology throughout the building needs updating

  • Outdated electrical panels are expensive and difficult to repair

  • 46-year-old dust collector needs replacement for improved air filtration

  • Inefficient, high-maintenance pneumatic building controls

  • Middle School boilers are inefficient and have exceeded their life expectancy

  • Aging air handling units require increasing maintenance provide poor temperature control

  • Worn and aging exhaust fans are in need of replacement

  • Aged and noisy unit ventilators disrupt classroom learning and are maintenance intensive

  • Flooded playground due to poor drainage

  • Pooling on hard surface playground makes it unusable

  • Poor drainage at elementary school impacts pathways and building structure