Community Engagement

  • To help develop options for Phase 2 of our long-range facility plans, the District formed the Facility Task Force (made up of staff, parents, community members, and local business representatives). This group identified projects that could be included.

    Before moving forward, the School District of Cameron is seeking feedback from its taxpayers through a community-wide survey. This input will help us determine which project, if any, the District should pursue. The survey is scheduled to be conducted from April 22 through May 17, 2024 and we are asking everyone to participate.

  • In 2022, the District began implementing a long-range facility plan to address needs that cannot be covered within our annual maintenance budget. After a thorough assessment of our facilities, a task force was created to develop a realistic timeline for addressing our needs in phases to spread out the cost.

    The Community Task Force resumed planning in October of 2023 (after voters approved the first phase) to review goals and timelines for addressing Phase 2 improvements for our district. The goals identified include:

    • addressing learning spaces at the middle school

    • remodeling outdated classrooms and overhauling technical education at the high school

    • establishing guidance and mental health service areas at the middle and high school

    • upgrading HVAC systems at the middle and high school

    • improving drainage and facilities at the elementary school playgrounds

    • updating the phone system and virtual network of the district

    • ensuring the district remains competitive in attracting quality staff

    Work continues as the Task Force considers options for a November 2024 referendum. The process involves several stages of planning, discussion, and recommendations — including a community survey scheduled for Spring 2024 to learn what facility options our community would support.